; Skin Care in Amarillo
Fortunately, that’s not the case. There are natural remedies available that may provide even better results than the synthetic options.
We offer a number of natural aesthetic services that will help you look and feel incredible. Take a look:

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PRP Microneedling
Microneedling procedures reduce wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, and tighten up your skin. Mircroneedling procedures are non-invasive and utilize micro-needles that stimulate the skin’s collagen production.

One variation of microneedling that adds a stem cell based serum is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) microneedling.

PRP Microneedling uses micro-injuries to target your skin’s imperfections. These micro-injuries enable growth factor release, jump starting your healing process. This produces collagen which creates a more healthy, youthful skin.

When you come in for our PRP Microneedling service, you can expect a simple, non-invasive Microneedling experience with enhanced results thanks to the added PRP. Make sure to discontinue Acutane 6 months before your procedure, as well as topical medications and hair removal treatments for a week previous.

During the procedure, we’ll take a sample of your blood in order to separate and collect the PRP. After numbing  your face, the PRP is applied, and the Microneedle pen is passed over it.

Collagen production takes a bit of time. You’ll see your young, beautiful results in about 4-8 weeks, with continued benefits for up to 6 months!

Skinceutical peels are chemical peels that penetrate the epidermis’ upper layer, exfoliating your skin and treating wrinkles and fine lines.

Chemical face peels work to improve the appearance of wrinkles by gently sloughing off the skin’s outer layer. The topical solution is applied to the skin, reacting with the skin’s upper layer to dissolve any bonds that keep surface cells on the skin. By removing that upper layer, a healthy, smooth l ayer of skin is revealed.

When you come in for a Skinceuticals Face Peel, you may experience a mild tingling for a short time. You may have a bit of redness that lasts for 3-5 days, during which your skin will be photosensitive. However, when the redness fades away, you’ll be left with young, smooth, healthy looking skin.

Facial Analysis
With a 3D image mirror, you’ll have high-definition pictures taken of your face in order to analyze, and better treat, your skin problems. A Facial Analysis can find sensitive areas, wrinkle predictions, pigment predictions, pores, acne, and any deep spots. With this information, we’ll be able to design a customized treatment and preventative maintenance plan to help slow or prevent future skin problems.

For high-quality, pinpointed facial treatment, come in for your Facial Analysis today! Don’t worry about the future of your skin, and don’t suffer in silence. We can help!

IV Therapy
IV Nutrient Therapy is an effective and safe way to nurture your skin. In IV Therapy, an IV delivers a solution including essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, and glutathione, right into the vein to replenish fluids. Doing so not only adds instant hydration, it also detoxes the body, infuses antioxidants, and decreases inflammation, all of which have an incredible impact on the skin.

When you come in for IV Therapy, expect to be hooked up to the IV into your arm or hand, and let the IV begin to replenish the fluids in your body. The process takes about 45 minutes, and some results are instantaneous. Your hydration will increase immediately and after about 24-48 hours, the nutrients will begin to get to work, creating beautiful, healthy-looking skin.

Whether due to aging, stress, or vitamin deficiency, hair loss can be highly frustrating. Many products that promise to promote hair strength and growth have minimal effects — if at all. At Well Life Family Medicine, we’re pleased to offer science-backed options.

From injectable treatments that rejuvenate hair follicles to vitamin regimens that support strong strands, we have the best option to overcome hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

PRP Filler
PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy encourages new cell growth, which is essential when rejuvenating lost or damaged skin or tissue. When combined with fillers such as Juvederm, PRP can return youth and beauty to your skin — plus help you recover from the effects of aging and stress.

The PRP filler treatment allows you to restore the natural elasticity and volume of your skin, without invasive surgery or harsh chemicals. It boosts new tissue growth and plumpness to make you look vibrant and healthy, with minimal side effects

Adipose Filler ALMI Procedure
Most injectables do not offer tissue regeneration benefits; the effect is artificial rather than organic. ALMI is a groundbreaking treatment option that stimulates the adipose cells, resulting in higher volumes of connective tissues, collagen, and even follicles. It naturally stimulates collagen production and blood vessel proliferation, both of which lead to healthier, livelier, and more elastic skin.

ALMI treatment is one of the best ways to restore a face’s natural shape, from a smooth texture to a firm tone — plus overall vibrancy and circulation. This helps reduce wrinkles and acne, ward off aging effects, and provide an organic, makeup-free flush and optimal color.

Shockwave for Cellulite
Studies have shown that skin elasticity, firmness and texture all improve with the use of shockwave therapy. Despite its name, shockwave therapy is a relatively painless procedure in which mild electromagnetic waves are administered to cellulite regions. The subtle vibrations work to increase density and firmness in the network of collagen and elastic fibers where cellulite resides.
Premium Skincare
We’re proud to carry SkinCeuticals, a skincare brand with formulas backed by science and designed to rejuvenate skin for greater vitality. All formulas are made with premium ingredients that stimulate new cell growth, restore elasticity, and promote overall tone and balance. SkinCeuticals products are formulated to reduce the effects of aging, repair damage, and minimize signs of stress.

We also carry Circadia. Circadia's innovative skincare products are designed to align with your natural rhythms, stimulating new cell growth during sleep and shielding against pollution and radiation during the day. The formulas use vitamins, botanicals, and skin-safe oils to cleanse and protect your skin. Peptides and plant-derived stem cells provide additional antioxidant and skin renewal benefits. All products are paraben-free, reducing the risk of endocrine disruption and waterway pollution.

Our skin experts can recommend the best formulas for your needs.

Excess dead skin cells are a primary factor in acne, dull skin tone, and wrinkles. Our skin naturally sheds dead cells to make way for new tissue growth. Sometimes, though, we need an extra boost. Dermaplaning uses a fine blade to remove the top layer of skin — and along with it, dead skin cells and hairs, revealing a smooth, revitalized new layer.

Also called microplaning, this procedure can be used as an anti-aging treatment as it reduces fine lines and scars, and it may stimulate new collagen and elastin development. It also helps prevent acne by thoroughly exfoliating your skin. Once the old layer is gone, the fresh tissue underneath is revealed. Most people find that it's considerably brighter and smoother, so even if you don't have scarring or wrinkles, dermaplaning can help you put your best face forward.

Dermaplaning must be done by a qualified specialist, and that's what we provide at Well Life Family Medicine.

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